John Bowen wins NIH/NCSU Molecular Biotechnology Training Program Fellowship

Our own John Bowen has won the Molecular Biotechnology Training Program (MBTP) fellowship.  As the student of one of the training grant faculty, Mr. Bowen’s qualifications and outstanding work allowed him to be chosen for this program.

The goal of the MBTP is to train students to go beyond their standard training in graduate school to prepare for their careers.  Industrial cooperation is encouraged through a 3-month internship that Mr. Bowen will participate in later in his grad school career.

To find out more about the MBTP through the NCSU Biotechnology Program, you can look at its Graduate Fellowships Page at NCState.  The NIH symbol and information about the NIH came from the NIH website, which can tell you more about how the government agency seeks to improve human health and welfare in the US.